How to start an exercise program and stick with it!

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Statistics show that for every 10 people who begin an exercise program, only 2 follow through with it. Why is that? We all know and agree that exercise is important. Then why can’t we get ourselves to do it? In my opinion, it is because we set ourselves up for failure right from the start.While the actual exercises itself will vary depending on a person’s goals and fitness level, here are some unconventional ways to stick with exercise:

  • Start small

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither can your stamina. If you haven’t been regular with exercise or haven’t exercised at all, this one is probably the single most important factor for you. Because, in the first week, whats more important than the workout itself, is actually getting into the habit of exercising everyday. Some good ways to begin, especially for fitness newbies are a 10 minute cardio workout, a brisk walk around the block or walking up 10 flights of stairs.

  • Try to workout first thing in the morning

For most people, exercise is not a priority (even if they want it to be and they say it is, the truth is it ends up being pushed to the back burner). Therefore, working out first thing in the morning means you get to tick it off your list and not worry about it for the rest of the day. It also means, actually “doing” rather than only “thinking” about it before your brain finds something else to prioritize. It isn’t easy, especially if you are not a morning person. But it will be worth it.

  • Invest in workout accessories

Picture yourself getting ready to go for a nice dinner or a family wedding. Your ‘party look’ includes a lovely outfit, matching footwear and accessories that complement your look. Who says you have to look like that only when you go out? One way to get yourself excited about working out is to invest in your ‘workout look’. Get yourself some trendy workout gear, a good pair of shoes to match, and maybe even a fitness monitor, a stylish gym bag, water bottle etc.

  • Do only the exercises you enjoy…at least initially

Different people like different forms of exercise. Some like dancing, others like the gym, some like to workout alone, others like to exercise in groups. If you follow only the kind of exercise pattern you enjoy (even though it may not be a complete whole body kind of workout), you are more likely to continue with it because of its “feel good” factor. Once you become more fit, you will start enjoying a variety of workouts automatically.

  • Plan your workout the night before

Just like with meals, the better planned your workouts are the more likely you are to complete them. And this holds true especially if you workout alone and without the help of trainers. Before you call it a day, figure out how much time you can devote to exercise the following morning and list out the actual exercises with the number of reps or the actual exercise videos you want to do (don’t just list out a broad agenda like leg workouts or abs, that won’t work). That way, when you wake up in the morning, you don’t have to boggle your mind with the planning part and you can jump straight into execution.



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