Want to tip the weighing scale in your favour and keep it that way? Here’s how you can do it.

We’ve all read stories and watched shows of people who’ve lost tons of weight in a short span of time. But what happens to them after the story ends or the show is over? Losing weight is comparatively easy, but keeping the weight off is a different ball-game altogether. The more you diverge from what your body is accustomed to, the higher the likelihood of failure. Wouldn’t it be great then to do something that would complement your regular lifestyle so that you don’t just lose weight but also keep it off? If I’ve got your attention here, read on to know more about lifestyle management.


What is lifestyle management?

It is a wellness program wherein a lifestyle & nutrition consultant helps you incorporate health into YOUR lifestyle. As a result, it is more feasible for you to make it a part of your routine.

How is it different?

All recommendations made are practical and customized for you. In fact, you don’t have to give up the foods you love on this program! You learn how to achieve the balance between food and activity so that you are in control of your health always.

How does it work?

In your first meeting, the consultant will have a detailed discussion with you on your lifestyle, habits, routine and health goals. Thereafter, every subsequent meeting will be directed towards helping you develop healthy habits to meet these goals.

How long does it take to see results?

The success of this program depends on you and your commitment to it. However, it takes minimum 12 weeks for any changes you make to become routine habits. During that time, your motivation and sincerity towards achieving your health goals will drive your success. Rest assured, once you adopt these habits, you will be able to have your cake and eat it too!

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